No more sizing charts, no more sizing kits

Our unique Artificial Intelligence, developed entirely by our team, recommends the perfect ring size with just a photo of the hand.

What makes us unique?

Proprietary Artificial Intelligence developed specifically for ring sizing.

Proprietary technology

We continuously train our Artificial Intelligence models specifically for hand recognition and measurement. This allows us to offer truly differentiated solutions.

Specific for rings

Powered by our AI, our size recommendation engines consider multiple hand characteristics, such as finger length, knuckle size or distance between the phalanges.

Specialized data

To ensure the highest accuracy, all our algorithms are trained on an ever-growing proprietary dataset that covers the full range of real hands.

Continuous evolution

We continuously improve our Artificial Intelligence models, re-training and updating them on a regular basis to ensure their optimization with the latest industry developments.

Precise recommendations

Recomendación de talla para cada anillo

Sizes for each model

To ensure the user always gets the best recommendation, each ring model can have its own sizing chart linked to its SKU.

Ofrece la talla en el idioma que

International sizing

Automatically offer the right size for your customer’s preferences; our technology makes the conversion work in different countries without extra effort.

Fully integrated into your store

integra nuestro medidor virtual en tu web en menos de dos minutos

Integrate on your product page

Just by adding a button on your page, your customers will have the full experience. No need to download any application.

Adaptamos nuestro medidor a tu estilo de marca

Tailored to your brand

Deliver a unique, fully integrated experience while maintaining your brand image by customising the look and feel.

Easy integration in just 3 steps


Size charts

Choose whether to use the standard size charts or to send us your own.


Add our library

Copy and paste 2 lines of code, and if coding is not your thing we can help you.


Add the button

Add the button code on the product page and customize how it looks.

And much more!


Your customers will be able to complete the process from any device.

Sizes for each finger

The user gets the size for each finger without having to repeat the process.


Ready to work in the language of your customers.

Let’s talk

Discover how Aitaca will help you improve your online sales.